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Free Webinar: Changes to Employer Accreditation and the AEWV

People Inc (a team of Immigration, HR and Recruitment experts) are running a lunch and learn webinar next Wednesday, June 19 from 12 noon-12.30pm.

It’s short and sweet at only 30 minutes, and covers the need-to-knows about the recent changes Immigration NZ have made to Employer Accreditation and the AEWV. The session will be hosted by Licensed Immigration Adviser Cameron Gray and Director of People Inc Tanya Gray.

The webinar is designed to keep employers informed about INZ changes that may impact their organisations. It’ll be perfect for those with an interest in hiring (or continuing to hire and support residency) skilled migrant workers and doing so without the risk of getting declined or penalised for not meeting the requirements.

You can share or sign up for free via our event page here

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