We want to make available technical flooring information for everyday flooring practices that are collectively supported by the flooring industry.
The information provided are guidelines for best practice and do not replace or are not a substitute for Industry standards, Government or local Legislative Acts, Codes or Manufacturer recommendations.
As a Floor NZ member you will have free access to the below guidelines that set out industry recognised methods for planning and installation that supports retail, supplier, installers and apprentice training.
Best Practice Guidelines for Carpet Floor Coverings Planning and Installation
Best Practice Guidelines for Resilient Floor Coverings Planning and Installation
Asbestos Specialists
Asbestos Consultants
Identify Consulting
Expert Asbestos Air Monitoring, Asbestos Surveys, Asbestos Management Plans, Removal Assessments, Safe Procedure Policies and Guidance for Flooring Workers/Contractors.
Branches: Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton, Wellington
Hugo Toye – 021 805 285, 0800 725 618
Asbestos Removal
Techclean & Restoration
Branches: Auckland, Hamilton, Nelson & Marlborough, Christchurch
Dale Austen – 0211 130 300, 0800 101 234